24 Mar Does infidelity pain ever go away?
A Step-by-Step Blueprint for Healing
If you’re still struggling with the hurt of your husband’s infidelity, even after years have passed, then you’re in the right place.
In this blog post, I’m going to share with you a step-by-step blueprint for truly healing from this pain and creating a thriving marriage.
You’ll also discover the missing link that can help you heal the pain of betrayal in less than 60 days and get to a place of inner peace, where you can finally breathe again.
So, let’s get started!
Why Thinking Your Way Through Infidelity Pain is Not Enough
Let’s take a moment to understand what the pain of infidelity really is.
If your husband has been unfaithful, you may be experiencing symptoms such as anxiety, uncontrollable anger, sleepless nights, confusion, resentment, and constant fear. Symptoms that are similar to what someone with a long-term traumatic brain injury would experience.
Simply thinking your way through the pain is not enough to heal it. In fact, many of my clients have spent years in therapy, trying to work through their pain, only to remain easily triggered, angry, depressed, and lonely.
The reason for this is that they haven’t cleared the emotional trauma from their body yet.
By reliving the event over and over again, they’re only causing the trauma to become even more ingrained in their nervous system. This vicious cycle can leave you feeling stuck for years, even if you decide to leave your marriage.
It’s important to remove the emotional trauma from your body first to truly.
Why Removing Emotional Trauma is Crucial Healing from Infidelity Pain
Removing emotional trauma from the body is crucial in order to heal from infidelity pain.
It’s important to create pathways for your body to physically clear the trauma. Once you’ve done this, you’ll start to feel a sense of peace and calm that you probably haven’t felt in years. Your ability to process information will improve, and your decision-making ability will become stronger. Essentially, you’ll become whole again.
For almost a decade, I worked alongside a clinical director who specialized in EMDR training. He recommended that every woman who came to our clinic should see me first because he understood that releasing the emotional trauma and triggers first would help his therapy be more effective.
Removing emotional trauma can help you overcome infidelity pain and create a life moving forward that you truly love again.
Step-by-Step Blueprint for Removing Emotional Trauma in 60 Days
Are you ready to remove emotional trauma from your body and move past the pain of infidelity?
If so, I’m here to share my step-by-step blueprint for removing emotional trauma in 60 days or less. This blueprint has helped many of my clients find a sense of inner peace and heal their marriages for good.
Here’s the 3 steps to this healing process:
- Release: The first step in the blueprint is to release the emotional trauma from your body. When you take the time to clear the trauma from your body, it removed all the triggers and anger with it which means you’re able to assess your marriage from a state of calm instead of inner chaos.
- Rebuild: Once the emotional trauma has been cleared, it’s time to start rebuilding trust. Not only in your marriage but in your own intuition. Once you’re at this spot, you’ll no longer be second-guessing every decision you make and you’ll no longer have ruminating thoughts controlling your day.
- Reconnect: The last step is reconnecting with who you used to be before this happened and gaining a new sense of self-love and confidence so you can come back into your marriage stronger than ever, if you choose to, or have the skills to thrive in a new relationship if you decide to leave.
By following these steps, you can remove emotional trauma and heal your marriage in less than 60 days. I’ve seen this blueprint work for many of my clients, including Lacey, who was able to go from feeling overwhelmed and disconnected to having complete clarity and trust in just 60 days.
If you’re ready to start healing and move past the pain of infidelity, I encourage you to watch my free masterclass, where I’ll show you exactly what to do next. The masterclass will guide you through each step of the blueprint and help you create a thriving marriage.